plant lights

Understanding Light The Key to Happy House Plants

Want lush, thriving houseplants? The secret lies in understanding light. Like food for us, light is a plant’s fuel for growth and vitality. Learn how to assess your home’s light conditions and match them to the perfect plant pals.

Types of Light for House Plants:

  • Bright, Indirect Light: Perfect for most houseplants – plenty of light, but no harsh, direct sun. Think near a window with a sheer curtain or a few feet back from a sunny window.

  • Medium Light: Some direct morning or afternoon sun, but mostly bright shade. Well-lit rooms without direct sunlight.

  • Low Light: Darker corners or rooms far from windows. These spots still have some light, but significantly less.

Matching Light to Plants:

  • Bright Indirect Light Lovers: Monstera, fiddle leaf fig, most philodendrons, rubber trees.

  • Medium Light Champs: Pothos, snake plants, spider plants, peace lilies.

  • Low Light Heroes: ZZ plants, cast iron plants, certain ferns.

  • Check out our top 10 low light plants here.

How to Tell if Your Plant is Getting the Right Light:

  • Signs of Too Much Light: Scorched leaves with brown, crispy edges, bleached patches.
  • Signs of Too Little Light: Slow or stunted growth, leggy stems reaching towards the light, dull or pale leaves.

Tips for Adjusting Light:

  • Move Your Plants: The easiest solution! Experiment with placing them closer to or further from windows.
  • Utilize Sheer Curtains: These soften harsh direct light, creating that perfect bright, indirect glow.
  • Supplement with Artificial Light: Grow lights are ideal if natural light in your home is limited.

Further guides on indoor plants can be found here

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